@ "Dang it! I can't think of anything original to do in the strip!"
@ "At this rate, Dudley's Dungeon will lose all it's verwership to that dumb Angband comic!"
@ "What do I do now?!?!"
G "I believe I can help..." @ "Gnome With The Wand Of Death?"
G "To avoid being genocided, I changed my name as I zapped myself with a wand of teleportation..."
G "...now I'm the Gnome With The Convenient Plot Device."
@ "Let me guess, you have some way for me to undo the joke genociding?" G "Correct."
G "All you have to do is use this foot-powered car you polymerged in an earlier strip..."
G "...then you'll zap a wand of lightning..."
G "...generating the 1.28 Jiggawats you need to travel in time and correct your mistake!"
@ "Brilliant! But time travel is overused too, isn't it?" G "Yes, but I...
G "... reconfigured the space-time matrix to generate an improbability field around the flux capacitor."
@ "Um, isn't technobabble also a bit overused?"
G "Shhh! Do you want the RNG to hear you?"