Dudley's dungeon — The Game

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Read through all the installments of Dudley's dungeon? Printed enough of them to decorate your office? Got the T-shirt? Now it is time to play... Dudley's dungeon — The Game!

Inspired by classics like Rummikub, Dvorak and het Advertentiespel, the Dudley Game is a game of chance, creativity and fun. And the winner gets a prize: your own 24 hours of fame with your winning comic on Dudley's dungeon's website!

Dudley — The Game is a cardgame. The purpose of the game is to make Dudley comics. In the end, all players can vote for their favourite comic from the ones made. The winning comic can be sent to dudley@nicolaas.net and will be featured as a weekend special.


Print the cards below. Use the Print Preview feature of your browser to make the cards fit exactly on the page. You probably want the smallest margins possible, no headers or footers, and to switch on printing of backgrounds.

Here you can tweak the number of cards per page:

Print setup
Cards per Page: x
This will print 6 pages (excluding the rules.)

Start printing at page 2 to leave out this introduction. If you want to, you can start printing at page 3 so the rules are not printed. Then cut the cards out. For a really sturdy deck you can glue them on cardboard.

Everytime you visit this page, a different deck of Dudley cards is displayed! You can collect them all for fun, make your own decks out of all the cards you have, or just print a new deck once in a while for variation.

A standard deck consists of 72 cards (good for about 20 comics), but you can make your size for longer or shorter games. Use more cards if you have more than seven players.

Want to contribute? Write an email to dudley@nicolaas.net!
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Dudley's dungeon — The Game

Rules of the game

Preparation for play

The Game can be played by one or more players. Shuffle the cards, deal 10 of them to each player, and put the rest of it upside down on the table.

Playing a turn

Players take turns. In each turn you can do all of the following, as much as you like:

  • Put a card face up on the table, starting a new comic.
  • Add a card face up to a comic, either in the beginning or in the end.
  • Remove a card from a comic. This card must stay on the table, as a start of a new comic or added to a comic already started.
  • Write a text in an empty text box on a card that's on the table. If you don't want to write on your cards, use e.g. sticky notes.
  • After you are done with the changes to the table, draw a card.

The other players await eagerly until you're done, so they can do the same. It is not allowed to pass. If your turn takes to long, the other players may stop you. You can set a 1 minute maximum time, if you want; hourglass not included.

Game end

The game ends when all cards have been played, when all players are out of ideas, or when the general consensus is that this isn't going to get any better. Now the voting starts.

Each player awards 3 points to the best comic on the table, 2 points to the second best, and 1 point to the third one. The comic(s) with the most points win.

Submitting the winner

Email the winning comic to dudley@nicolaas.net (make sure you include pictures and text). Mention the fact that it is a Dudley Game winner. It will be featured as a Saturday or Sunday installment of Dudley's dungeon on http://dudley.nicolaas.net.

Want to contribute? Write an email to dudley@nicolaas.net!
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=        !          
    %       [    =  
         @   *  !   
     (            ? 
  %         ?  )    
@ "Hah! They can't kill me in here!"
You pull the switch!
You hear a BANG!    
h - 2 potions of    
d "I'd run from that steam vortex."
What? The kitten is evolving! The kitten evolved into a housecat!
Zap what?           
@ "Well I'm perfectly equiped to deal with this..."
@ "Ah, the mail daemon!"
@ Apply duct tape.
You ascend to the   
status of Demigod...
   |.......|...-- --
   |.@A..A.|...-- --
   ---------..--   -
You feel tired.     
  # |.-h----|--....-
    |.|hhh|...|  +.|
    |.|(hh|...|  |.|
    |.|hhh|...|  |.|
@ "Greetings! I'm Dudley, and welcome to The Broad Pick."
A lit field         
surrounds you!      
@ Cast Light
l - a spellbook of invisibility.
@ "Of course!"
You are lucky! Full 
moon tonight.       

     ------|-----  h
     |..........|  #
h a humanoid (mind flayer) [seen: telepathy]
@ "I should just make it to the door."
Your shape seems very uncertain! You turn into a rope golem!
 |  %   <       |###
 |    ...`      |#  
#.    .@.       |#  
 |    F..       .#  
You hit the shrieker! It lets out a piercing cry of horrible pain!
|..TTTc.....M     ..
|.wHVVVD....WDDD ...
& "Afraid not, pudding."
   /  REST IN  \    
  /    PEACE    \   
 /               \  
 |     Dudley    |  
 |   killed by   |  
 |  the Greater  |  
 |      Good     |  
@ "You know, somehow I figured it would end like this."
  #        -----    
  #        |.>.|    
 -----    #...?|    
 |..d|  ###|   .    
 |$oF|  #  -----    
Welcome to David's treasure zoo!
@ "Now listen Thoth, one more useless sword and I'm switching sides! How about a decent artifact?"
    |.|   ---.      
    |.|   |...      
@ "Please give me a sign which way to go."
@ "It would be neat, though. Stonehenge in NetHack!"
@ "Nevermind."
Nothing happens.    
|..---------..--   -
|..|....A..|.%.-- --
|..|....L%.|..%-- --
|..---------..--   -
@ "Thank you Dudley, but our amulet is in another dungeon!"

@: Val Hum Fem Law
           ###  #   
             #  #   
You hear someone cursing shoplifters.
@ "Ah, a shop!"
         |.rd.+  ## 
         |@dd..|   #
         --|---   # 
@ "Aaaarrrgh!"
You enter a         
leprechaun hall!    
 #           -----  
 #        lllllll|  
 # |   llllllllll|  
36 sleeping Irishmen: Priceless.
You open the large  
t - a bobcat corpse
@ "..."
@ "... and just accept in gratitude what comes on my path."
| | ----- -----| | |
|-- |   | |    |   |
|     |   |  | |----
| | -------- | |   |
| |    |  .|P| | | |
--- ---- |.@.|   |  
    | |  ---.-------
----- | -| | |   | |
 |       |   | |   |
Your limbs are getting oozy.
@ "I hope this is a wand of fire!" Zap!
@ "I simply remember my favorite things, and then I don't feel so bad!"
You bite Dudley!    
Dudley just misses. 
@ "And boulders turn into even bigger meatballs! Awesome!"
@ "I sure wish I had some light around here."
@ "It's just left here by the inhabitants. But that means this place is crawling with life!"

 |..d......oo..|  ##
Dudley's ghost hits.
Dudley's ghost hits!
Dudley's ghost hits.
    |.|.|..| |.| --.
    |...-..| |.| |%(
-----------| |^| |-.
|..  ......---.| |..
| [@ .|.|..%...| |.%
|) .%.|.|------| |..
@ "Gah! Why on earth do I name all of my characters Dudley?"
#    ---.--         
#    |....|         
#    |..n.|         
###  |..@.+         
  #  |....|         
The nymph steals the +3 Excalibur!
Suddenly, a         
cockatrice appears. 
|.....|    -------  
|.cc..|    |...$.+  
|...c.|    |.....|  
|?....|    -------  
c "Hi guys."
c "Hi."
   /  REST IN   \   
  /    PEACE     \  
 /                \ 
 |     Dudley     | 
 |    killed by   | 
 |     Medusa     | 
 |    *  *  *     | 
@ "I was blindfolded. How was I meant to know which side was the reflective one?"
-|--               #
 #                ##
 ###-----------   # 
   #|.........|   # 
   #|....@....|   # 
j - 12 fizzy potions.
@ "That's a lot of fizzy potions."
& "Gangway!"
@ "Whenever I feel like it, a new installment will be there."
@ "He's strong, tough, and more importantly doesn't suck."
T "Darn straight I don't."
@ "Nice. A parasol. Let's set it up!"
What do you want to 
[$beER or ?*]       
@ "Perhaps I've been here too long, I keep seeing strange messages."
k "Can I have some of that?"

$:125 HP: 4(36)     
Summer hits!
@ "Whoa, I'm exhausted."
   #            ----
   #            |   
   #            |   
@ "Save scumming means I can now find bones piles of myself from the future!"
Dudley's ghost hits.
Dudley's ghost hits!
Dudley's ghost hits.
    |.|.|..| |.| --.
    |...-..| |.| |%(
-----------| |^| |-.
|..  ......---.| |..
| [@ .|.|..%...| |.%
|) .%.|.|------| |..
@ "Gah! Why on earth do I name all of my characters Dudley?"
But wait... Your medallion begins to glow!
---  # |....@..|    
..|  # |.......|    
..-### ---------    
@ "No, I will NOT lower myself to THAT level of humour."
    # |... |        
  #   |....|        
@ "Man, I'm tired..."
You can't. It is cursed.
As you read the     
scroll, it          
   d   ...  h       
 G     .@.  h       
@ "Oh, that just went brilliantly. I am, of course, being sarcastic. I'm trapped below minetown."
        ------  #   
@ "I didn't know C...?"
@ "This week's long awaited comic..."
---          ###    
!@|       ---.-.--  
%.-##     |......|  
(.| #     |..d...|  
(.| ##'###-.@ ...|  
---       |......|  
@ "Hey, another life, another reroll, right? Next time I might get early speed boots!"
@ "I don't understand that."
i - a scroll labeled PRATYAVAYAH.

Hello Dudley!       
Welcome to Nethack! 
@ "Right! Now..."
@ "Since I impersonate other heroes my game has improved."
What do you want to 
m - a dented pot    
Into what?          
g - a potion of oil 
The pot is coated with oil.
Yeldud turns to     
   # |.d....@...|   
#### |.........d+   
@ "Defeated, for today, by a tool and not a weapon. How fitting. But I'll be back, Dudley!"
        #   #       
  # |...o..o...|    
#  ################ 
The orc hits. The orc hits. The orc hits!
@ ""Listen, LISTEN!"
@ "You always seem to play a human, Dudley."
& "Gangway!"
@ "Ah, the mailman!"
You kill the newt.  
------   #          
   # |..........|   
#### |..........+   
@ "Oh, that bit of sleight-of-hand? It's the mimic I'm wearing."
@ "People say they want a notebook in NetHack so they can write things down."
  #        -----    
  #        |.>.|    
 -----    #...?|    
 |...|  ###|....    
 |$@$|  #  -----    
@ "Especially if you happen to be that 'one'."