Dudley's dungeon

Friday, 13 April, 2007 by Edrobot
d "Well kids, it's that time again!"
@ "Kids? What are you talking about? None of our fans are kids!"
@ "30 year-old NetHack players, yes, miscella-
neous computer geeks, possibly, but KIDS?"
q - a scroll of mail
d *sigh* "It's a figure of speech. Anyway, it's time to open fan mail!"
d "Dudley, the letter please!"
@ "Um, Dogley, this isn't adressed to you..."
d "WHAT! Don't tell me it's for you!"
@ "Um, apparently it's for..."
@ "...Rodney Kcahten, 3rd floor, Wizard's tower, 666 Bile Ave., Glendenholm..."
@d "...a.k.a. the Wizard of Yendor?!?!?!"
A voice booms out:  
"Did somebody say my
@ "Gahh! What are you doing here? I haven't even gotten to Glendenholm yet!"
@ "What? Can't I make an apperance just to say 'hi!'?"
@ "Nope."
d "Not really."
Rodney steals your  
scroll of fan mail! 
@ "Tough beans. Give me that!"
@ "Dear Rodney, what do you do on your spare time?"
@ "Now that, my friend, is an excellent question! Allow me to explain..."
A voice booms out:  
"So, you thought you
could kill me?"-    
@ "As you know, I have to work double shifts on both NetHack and SLASH'EM..."
Rodney says: you    
will die on level 2.
That will be $5.- --
[[[[||@.| |?G??k| |@
[[[@||@.| |k?h?@| |?
@ "...but I also freelance as a fortune teller at malls..."
The newt bluffs! The
GWTWOD zaps a wand  
of cheating!...|    
   |../  ]  \..|    
   |.@|] $ ]|G.|    
@ "...and on Thursdays, I get together with some friends to play poker!"
The zombie hits! You
#### ########### ###
........#     #.....
........#     #.....
#########     ##.###
@ "I dabble in other Roguelikes, but I never seemed to get the hang of them..."
|Hello, Rodney!    |
|Welcome to NetHack|
|   |..@...|       |
|   |......+#######|
|   |......|       |
|   ----+---       |
|Rodney the Wizard |
|hp:10 p:9 xp:1/0  |
@ "And at the end of the day, I like to wind down with a calming game of NetHack?"
@ "Wait, how can you PLAY NetHack when you're IN NetHack?
@ "Well, um, there's a good story about that... and..."
@ "Oh! look over there!"
@ "Where?!?!"
@ Teleport away
@ "Not again!"
d *sigh*
Technically, this is the sequel to the "Life and Times of the Wizard of Yendor" comic

Want to contribute? Write an email to dudley@nicolaas.net!
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